woensdag 25 januari 2012

That's what friends are for

Well, I think I have several reasons to be satisfied today: I went to the gym for the first time in ages (after my dad signed me up for it last month and I left my membership card gathering dust ever since), made a proper start on my take-home exam ánd I had the best chocolate mousse for desert ever. Yes, very satisfying indeed.

Did I mention I love scarfs? I think I own about a hund
red of them - or at least too many to keep the lock of the basket that stores them from randomly exploding every now and then. So, to give the poor basket a little bit of breathing room I often take one out and wear it anywhere: my head, my hair, my waist, my neck, my purse... Today I even had matching nail polish (coincidence - swear).

So, while you are ignoring my awesome paint skills, watch some cool scarf wrapping right here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cABQn6pTCnw


Oh right, lesson learned today: no matter how busy you are, there is always a minute to enjoy with friends

woensdag 11 januari 2012

Into the Wild

A day of endless studying... Luckily I'm all warmly cuddled up on my sofa with a nice cup of tea (Winter Glow tea, to be exact) so I'm ready for it! Bring it on, books! Apart from my occasional *cough cough* facebook/blog/pointless surfing around the internet-breaks, I think I'm doing my very best to make this day a very fruitful one. Speaking of occasional breaks: here's my outfit for today, which would be best described I guess by 'sometimes you just have to let your wild inner animal out'. We all know those days, don't we. I even nearly crashed my computer while uploading the pictures (gave me the jump of my life, just as my exams are coming up) Now if that is not 'wild' enough for you, then I don't know what is;) Because of my teenie tiny room I cannot take a picture of my complete outfit, and as I still feel slightly too embarressed to ask my friends to take pictures of me I hope these assambled pictures will do.

Enjoy your day!

shirt: Zara ( E 5,- at sale)
dress (worn as skirt): H&M (can't remember the price)
wine-red tights: Primark ( E 2,-)
heels: Primark ( E 18,-)
bag: gift from great ount
broche: DIY

Today's lesson:
Before you panic, calmly oversee all your options. There's always time to panic afterwards. (I'm afraid I did the opposite today, haha)

dinsdag 3 januari 2012

Happy New Year!

One of my new years resolutions is to actually start this blog, and even though I've started my resolution three days late I guess it is still better late than never! Today was one of those grey winter days with lots of rain as we tend to have all season out here, and sometimes I therefore feel my outfits need a little bit of a sparkle to light my day. This can be some colour, a fun hat a necklace... but what if that lovely necklace and your lovely neck just don't seem to go very well together today? Lower the necklace down a bit!

Well then, I will now quickly go and fill my hungy stomach with some lovely pasta (hmmm) and conclude this first blogpost with a lesson I learned today:

Not all is lost when embracing the new; it may, in fact, even benefit the old

I wish you all the best for 2012!

Love, Anne

woensdag 23 november 2011


This will be a little scrapbook of everything that's loved about everyday life. Whether it's getting dressed for another day of school or work, hanging out with friends, preparing dinner or simply making ordinary things extraordinary by putting a little bit of extra effort in them. Can't wait to start:)

"Too many people miss the silver lining because they are expecting gold."
- Maurice Setters